We had 17 people out to Brushyland this trip. Most folks went home that night, but everyone stayed for sunset
and dinner. Fun stuff. It was the first Brushyland-sunset and dinner that many of them had experienced. Unfortunately,
my camera crapped out on me just after sunset, so I didn't get any pictures of dinner. But David did a great job
with the steaks and cobbler, and my potatoes and baked onions turned out fine too.
Cornhole and Washers were big hits. You can see a few motorized toys in the left picture, but there were
several more. Several folks brought four-wheelers and dirt bikes this trip. I bet all told we had a half dozen
four-wheelers and a dozen or more dirt bikes. It was quite a sight!
Chuck is lowering Tim's new XR250 a hair. In general, I don't recommend pressing a large screwdriver next to a
motorcycle part and then wailing on the handle of the screwdriver with a hammer. But that's really how you have to
make this particular adjustment. Honest.
Audrey decided that it was time to graduate from 4-wheelers to dirt bikes. She was a natural at it.
Tim and Nancy share a relaxing moment
Sunset on Brushyhenge
As usual, "Bonnie" had a great time at Brushyland. She's a little older now (aren't we all) so she'd periodically
lay down and rest a spell, but even while laying down she'd catch a ball or two. What a toot. The kids
got a real kick out of her.
The kiddos sure seemed to have a fun time out there...