Brushy Land
March 7-8, 2009
I was lucky enough to make two separate trips to East Texas on this particular weekend. The first trip was with Dad
and the second was with Nancy, Stan and their friend Anna. Both were very enjoyable outings. In the above picture, Dad
is sampling some Dutch Oven cooked stew at the historic and scenic
Mission Tejas State Park.
One of the reasons why I wanted to go to Mission Tejas was because I had read that folks from the
Lone Star Dutch Oven Society met there each month. They were friendly folks, and
certainly knew how to cook good tastin' chow in a Dutch Oven!
After visiting Mission Tejas, Dad & I drove down the road a ways to the
Caddo Indian Mounds. Not many Indians in Texas built earthen mounds. The Caddo did it over a thousand years ago.
There was a pretty good museum and information center near the mounds.
Dad & I then stopped by nearby Alto, TX. My buddy, Steve Cox, and his family met us at the Alto Cafe for lunch. After
a pleasant visit, Dad & I headed to Brushy Land where we worked a little on the
front entrance. All in all, a great day running around in the woods of East Texas.
The next day, I headed back out to Brushy Land with my friends Nancy & Stan and their friend Anna. That's Anna driving
the 4-wheeler with Stan on the back.
Nancy sitting with "Bonnie" near Brushyhenge
Bonnie may have slowed down a bit with age, but she still managed to find a tennis ball and get her feet wet in our
mud-hole of a pond. Like the rest of us, she had a good time being there that day.
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