Brushy Land
Thanksgiving 2009

The weather was perfect for our annual outdoor celebration of Thanksgiving. Amazingly,
the first time we did this was 30 years ago - Thanksgiving 1979. This year, more than 40 folks
came out. Many, but not all, of them posed on
Brushyhenge for
the above picture.

We don't have many rituals at Brushy Land Thanksgiving, but one of them is having Mary Ellen read
"A Family Is..." and having Dad read his
Poem before we eat.
Emily and Audrey conversing around the campfire.

This year Dad bought some stainless steel chaffing dishes to help keep the turkey, ham and casseroles
warm. They didn't heat as well as we had hoped, but they helped a little. There was plenty of good food - two turkeys,
a ham, over a dozen casseroles and lots of pies and cakes. Good stuff.
Eating around the campfire.
As part of my dad's 70th birthday gift,
my sister and her son came in for Thanksgiving. It was sure nice spending time
with them.
Chip & Judy on Brushyhenge.
Jason near a fort that some of the kiddos built.

Several of us spent Thanksgiving night at Brushy Land, and we got a good viewing of the Space
Shuttle and Space Station flying 200 miles overhead. They appeared as two bright, moving stars.
Chuck & Diane making breakfast Friday morning.
I taught my nephew how to ride a motorcycle - he caught on pretty quickly.
We did a lot of shooting on Friday - the kids loved it. Jason, pictured above, supervised
as the kids shot shotguns, rifles and pistols at various targets.
We normally do an egg toss at Easter but with so many leftover eggs from breakfast we
figured we might as well do one the day after Thanksgiving too!
On Thanksgiving morning I checked our automated Game Camera and saw this fairly majestic photo of a buck. The
picture was taken a couple of nights before Thanksgiving.
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