Brian did another excellent job with the chow this year. I bet you never
knew he stirred your food with a 2x4. We had perfect weather for the boil
this year - a rarity. Neil made his famous queso and several wives
brought wonderful desserts, including a heavenly bannana pudding
made by Susan Hill.
We had over 45 adults and a dozen kids show up this year. What a great
group. Up top are some friends that work in my office building including
Nancy & Stan Ferguson and Rick Carson. Stan & Nancy left a retreat to
come hang out with us at the boil. They were probably already on thin ice
with God so I'm not sure that was a real smart move. In the bottom picture
my dad (on the right) is enjoying the boil with his brother, Steve. Steve
was a crawfish-virgin until that day.
Chris Daddy
The Kids
The young 'uns had a ball this year coloring easter eggs, blowing bubbles and
playing with various toys & games. Of course, my friends and I had a bit of fun too
when we played "asses up" later in the evening - after several drinks. Asses
up is played sorta like hacky sack, but with a soccer ball. The first person
to spell A-S-S by messing up three times gets a soccer ball shot at his ass - by
all the other players.
That cutie blowing bubbles in the bottom picture is Victoria Chandler.