Mountain Trip - Fall 2023

Like last year, we had great weather for this trip: blue skies, highs around 65, lows around 35. Nice! Unlike last year, the Aspen hadn't quite turned golden yellow. But that's okay - it was still beautiful.

Only 4 people made the trip this year: me, Dad (Dan Stone), Chuck Mandernach, Marci Taft

Dad & I played Othello in our's harder than it looks!

Dad made us grilled cheeses for lunch one day - they were great

Dad & I took an early drive from Red River to Taos one morning. The huge setting full moon hovered over us as we drove through the dimly lit mountains. It absolutely took our breath away. The pictures I took of it doesn't do it justice, so I didn't include them here - but we both thought it was beautiful. Once in Taos we had breakfast at one of Dad's favorite places on Earth, Michael's Kitchen. It was fabulous.

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