Mountain Trip - Fall 2004

It was another fun time in Red River, NM. The weather was very good (until the last day) and
the Aspen were beautiful. Early October is such a great time of the year to visit the Rockies.
We trailered several motorcycles and four wheelers and even rented a few more there in Red
River - so everyone had a toy for the trails. Fun stuff. Sorry if this page took a long time
to load. I probably broke a few "netiquette" rules by placing so many pictures on one page, but
there were just too many good shots...
The following folks went this year:
Brad Stone, Dan Stone, Chuck Mandernach, David & Teresa Hood, Neil & Nicky Sanders and
their baby Ella, Nancy & Stan Ferguson, Tim & Debbie Speck, Audrey Speck, Shelley & David,
Bill & Sharon.

*** Mother and Child ***
What a cute picture of Nicky and Ella at the Old Pass. It was nice having little Ella on the
trip this year, she certainly put a lot of smiles on our faces. And we all got a kick out of
watching her experience the Rockies for her very first time.

*** Friend and Child ***

*** Nancy at the Old Pass ***
We took a fun outing to the Old Pass. What a great view!

*** Tim, Debbie, Audrey and Brad at the Old Pass ***

*** Neil & Ella in the Aspens at the top of the Old Pass ***

We had a cookout next to our cabins one night. Dad made some wonderful
potatos and onions and Neil did a great job cooking 15 steaks. Cooking
steaks over charcoal at 8,700 feet can be tough!

*** Dan Sleepin' In The Rain ***

To get to Goose Lake, you have to ride through the Red River (no, not the Red River that divides
Oklahoma from Texas). It's always a thrill crossing that thing. Above, Audrey Speck and Stan
Ferguson ride their 4-wheelers through it and below Dan Stone takes his dirt bike across.

*** David & Shelley at Goose Lake (elev. 11,630 ft) ***

*** Audrey & Shelley at Goose Lake ***

At night we often played cards or relaxed around the fire and drank cocktails. One night Teresa
wanted to play "Texas Hold 'Em". We didn't have enough poker chips so we played with candies.
Now that's adaptability my friends. Teresa ended up kicking all our butts and was dubbed "The
Black Widow" from then on due to her fierce play :)

Chuck might have lost a game or two, but like last year he was still the king of
Washer Pitchin'. The guy needs to go on tour.

*** Nancy & Debbie in the Red River ***
Wow, that water is cold! But Nancy and Debbie rolled up their pants and waded across a section
of the Red River where it cuts through the Rio Colorado Lodge. What a hoot. They said that this
crazy little stunt will be an annual occurrence.

*** Tim Speck at Midnight Meadows ***
Late one afternoon we took a group ride over to the Midnight Meadows area for a hotdog
cookout. I think Tim enjoyed riding that four wheeler!

*** Greenie Peak (elev. 11,249 ft) ***
Greenie Peak is located just a few minutes from Midnight Meadows so a few of us couldn't pass
up the opportunity to ride over for a great view.

*** Nancy & Brad at Greenie Peak ***

On our last day, the weather got a bit nasty. But it was kinda neat too. The rain turned
into snow and the snowflakes were huge. Unfortunately we had saved the tough hills (i.e. No-Gas,
Triple, Mogul) for that last day of riding - so we weren't able to ride them this year. In fact,
bad weather kept us from riding them last year too.

By the time we left the following morning, there was a beautiful layer of snow in the Red River
area. This was taken with Neil's camera as we were driving home.

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