Stoner's 18th Annual Catch & Release
Bass Tournament
May 19th, 2012 --- Lake Fork, TX

It was another very fun tourney this year! The fishing conditions weren't the best - it was hot, humid and very windy.
And we had to compete with several thousand people fishing the Legends Bass Boat Tournament. So overall, there weren't quite
as many fish caught this year. But fish were still caught (and released) and there were just as many laughs and tall tales as in
previous tournaments. I greatly appreciate everyone who came out this year. And I look forward to seeing you at tourney #19 !
See the
Official Results section at the bottom of this page for a full roster of this year's

Tommy Faulkner - 2012 Champion
It had been 13 years since Tommy last fished my tourney. He certainly made up for lost time! His
5.70 pounds of bass won him the first place trophy this year.
I always enjoy seeing old friends at the Fisherman's One Stop the night before the tourney. The boiled
crawfish there are surprisingly good.
My fishing partner, Jeff Cotten Jr, took this picture of me as the sun rose on the
tournament. He and I didn't catch too many fish that day, but we sure had a lot of laughs!

It's always great seeing Scott Henry and his family at the tourney! They drive a long ways to do
this thing every year. Unfortunately, they broke their trolling motor shaft the morning of the
tournament, so they had a short day on the lake.
That's Jeff driving my boat. Hard to believe it's 19 years old now. The boat that is. Jeff is
much, much older than that :)
Me with a five-pound slot fish caught in 22 feet of water.
Brian Bergstrom pulling up to the shore.
Chuck Mandernach rode his Harley to the weigh-in again this year. Unfortunately, my father had a conflict
this year - so the burger flipping chore went to Chuck. Thanks Chuck!
Official Results
25 contestants x $20 entry fee = $500 total payout
First Place........$250....Tommy Faulkner (5.70 pounds)
Second Place...$125.....Ty Dyess (4.18 pounds)
Big Bass..........$125.....Ty Dyess (2.04 pounds)
Stringer Weight
1. Tommy Faulkner
2. Ty Dyess
3. Theron Hall
4. Brian Bergstrom
5. Jeff Cotten, Jr.
6. Jim Rowley
7. Brad Stone
8. Wayne Godwin
9. Jimmy Knight
10. Levi Knight
11. Jim Kracht
12. Brice Wilson
13. Corey Hall
14. Max Rhinehart
15. Jim Hancock
16. Scott Henry
17. Ryan Henry
18. Ron Henry, Sr.
19. Ron Henry, Jr.
20. Ron Henry, III
21. Roger Lewis
22. Mike Lewis
23. Larry Stevens
24. Rick Stevens
25. Steve Cox
had a conflict
Note that some contestants may have chosen not to weigh-in their fish if they were small.
Also, some contestants may have caught "slot fish" (currently 16-to-24 inches) that can't be weighed-in.
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