Hill Country Trip - July 2012
Dad & I enjoy visiting the scenic and laid-back part of Texas known as the Hill Country (see
here, and
here). We often
go down there in the summer because the Hill Country peaches are delicious then. But due to the heat, we may start going
there in the springtime from now on. This year, Dad picked me up at my house after I got home from work on Friday
night, and we drove down to Waco and spent the night in a Comfort Inn. On our way to Waco we stopped by the
Czech Stop in
nearby West, Texas for some of their famous kolaches. It was our first time there, and we enjoyed the chow.
Dad & I are standing on the top of Enchanted Rock north of Fredericksburg. It's one of our most favorite hikes on the planet.
We drove straight to the rock from Waco on Saturday morning, so we didn't start the hike until 10am. By the time we were back
at Dad's Tahoe, it was a little after 11am and it was already very hot. It was still an enjoyable hike, with lots of kids &
families that we spoke with, but we won't do it in the heat again.
After we hiked Enchanged Rock, we stopped by the
Alamo Springs Cafe for one of
their world famous burgers. This place is nestled in the hill country woods near the Bat Tunnel not far from Luckenbach. It's
off the beaten path, but definitely worth going to! As Dad often says, sometimes you have to
want to go places - and it
usually turns out to be well worth the effort.
At the Alamo Springs Cafe I ran into Merredith Montgomery - the sister of Monte
Montgomery, my favorite guitar player.
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